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Poodle Day

October 2, 2022

Poodle Day is today, October 1st! These iconic dogs have truly unique appearances, and make loveable and fun pets. A local vet talks about the Poodle below.

Beloved Underdog

At first, Fido was met with some side-eye, but he became quite popular after winning Best In Show at Westminster. In fact, the Poodle was the most popular breed from 1960 to 1982, when the Cocker Spaniel took over the top spot.

Unclear History

Some believe that Germany was the Poodle’s place of origin. Fido’s name seems to support this: in German, the word ‘Pudel’ means ‘to splash.’ However, others think they are from France, where they were called the ‘duck dog’ or Caniche. Other possibilities include Northwest Africa and Ukraine.

Early Job

Fido’s first job was retrieving spent arrows and fowls. Those tufts of fur on his legs helped him travel through the water.

Three Sizes

There are three official types of Poodles; Toy, Miniature, and Standard. There is also a fourth type, Medium, though it’s not universally accepted.

Fido Used To Be In The Circus

Poodles were once very popular circus dogs! Fido learned many tricks, including walking tightropes, acting, and performing card tricks.


Poodles are often called hypoallergenic dogs. Technically, this isn’t true, as they do produce and shed dander. However, their curly coats trap the dander, and their fur grows slowly, so people with allergies often find them easier to live with than other types of dogs.


Fido can wear a whopping 50 different hairstyles, including cording, which is a form of doggy dreadlocks. If you take Fido to a salon, to avoid confusion, bring a picture of the cut you want.

Healthy Pups

Most Poodles live happy, long, healthy lives thanks to the efforts of dedicated, responsible breeders who routinely test all breeding stock. As with all breeds, however, some health issues can occur, including eye disorders and hip dysplasia.

Activity Level

Fido may well have gotten his name from his love of jumping over puddles. Poodles are very active, and need lots of playtime and exercise.

They Love Swimming

Most Poodles love the water. This makes sense, as they were bred to retrieve game. He may be over the moon if you toss a ball or stick into a pool or pond for him. Just don’t leave him unattended near water.

Our Advice on Poodle Day in 2024

What is the historical popularity of Poodles and their rise to fame?

Poodles have a rich history of popularity, particularly in the 20th century. Initially, they faced skepticism but gained widespread admiration after winning Best In Show at Westminster. This win marked a turning point, catapulting them to the status of the most popular dog breed from 1960 to 1982. Their elegance, intelligence, and versatile skills in various dog shows significantly influenced their rise to fame. Poodles were show dogs and beloved family pets known for their unique appearance and friendly demeanor, further solidifying their enduring popularity.

What was Poodles’ original job, and how did their physical traits assist in this?

Originally, Poodles were bred as water retrievers, a job that their unique physical traits were well-suited for. Their signature curly coat is more than just visually distinctive; it is a protective layer, helping them stay warm and dry while retrieving cold waters. The tufts of fur around their legs and joints offered additional protection against cold and injury. Additionally, their webbed feet made them excellent swimmers, a crucial trait for retrieving ducks and other waterfowl. These traits made the Poodle an efficient and valuable working dog in water-based hunting activities.

In what unique performances were Poodles historically involved?

Historically, poodles were popular as pets and show dogs and had a unique role in circus performances. Due to their high intelligence, trainability, and elegant appearance, Poodles were ideal circus dogs. They were trained to perform a variety of tricks, including walking on a tightrope, acting in skits, and even performing card tricks. Their ability to learn complex routines and natural grace made them crowd favorites. This role in circus performances highlighted the Poodle’s versatility, intelligence, and the breed’s ability to engage and entertain audiences.

Why are Poodles considered allergy-friendly, and what is unique about their coats?

Poodles are often considered allergy-friendly due to their unique coat characteristics. Unlike many breeds, Poodles have a curly, dense coat that sheds less frequently. This type of fur traps dander, the common allergen in dog hair, within the curls instead of releasing it into the environment. Additionally, their hair grows continuously and slowly, which reduces the amount of loose hair and dander in the home. While no dog is entirely hypoallergenic, Poodles’ coat properties make them a more suitable option for individuals with dog allergies.

Why do most Poodles love swimming, and what precautions should owners take?

Most Poodles have an innate love for swimming, a trait rooted in their history as water retrievers. Their webbed feet and water-resistant coat make them natural swimmers. However, precautions are necessary. Always supervise your Poodle during swim time to prevent exhaustion or accidental drowning. Ensure the water is clean and safe, free from hazards like solid currents or toxic algae. After swimming, rinse your Poodle to remove chlorine or salt, which can irritate their skin and coat. Also, be mindful of weather conditions; even water-loving breeds can struggle in cold temperatures.

Contact us, your animal clinic in West Greenwich, RI, for your pet’s care needs. We’re here to help!

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