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Eye Problems In Cats

September 16, 2022

Our feline friends have strikingly beautiful eyes. Cats’ eyes can be many different colors, from green to orange to blue. Fluffy never has brown eyes, but her peepers can be many other colors, including copper, dichroic, or odd-colored. Of course, pets are susceptible to many of the same types of eye problems as humans can develop. A local vet discusses some common ones in this article.

Common Issues

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is fairly common in kitties. Pinkeye can be caused by bacterial or fungal infections, viruses, scratches from other animals, or allergens. Our feline friends are also susceptible to glaucoma; inflammation; cataracts, which are common in older pets; keratitis, or corneal inflammation; and uveitis, which is a basic umbrella term for infection and/or inflammation of the the colored part of the eye. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any of these in your pet. Many of these conditions are treatable, but they require prompt veterinary care.


Many signs of kitty eye problems are visible to the naked eye. Excessive tearing is one red flag. You may notice excessive eye gunk, which may be brown, green, white, or yellow. Your pet may seem sensitive to light. You may also see her third eyelid, which normally should be hidden. Her eyes and/or lids may look red, pink, watery, or swollen. Fluffy may also blink or paw at her eye. Some issues, such as cataracts, cause a milky or cloudy appearance. It’s also worth mentioning that eye problems in cats can also lead to behavioral changes, such as withdrawal or grumpiness. Contact your vet ASAP if you notice any of these things.

Preventing Problems

Although there’s no way to protect your cute pet from congenital eye issues, which are inherited, there are ways to prevent or at least reduce the risk of injury or infection. Just keeping an ‘eye’ on your feline buddy will help a lot. Your kitty’s eyes should be clear and bright … at least when they’re actually open. Keeping Fluffy indoors will also help, as she won’t be exposed to things like pollen, other animals, contagious disease, and chemicals. Last but certainly not least, be sure to bring your cat to the vet regularly for exams.

Do you have questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care? Call us, your animal hospital in West Greenwich, RI, anytime.

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